Monday, March 26, 2007

Observation on Genius


Observation on Genius

What many people typically call genius is actually the ability to observe and / or analyze at the level of the deep structure of reality, notice, it and disseminate it, and then articulate it.

At the least it is an ability to UNDERSTAND at the level of deep structure of reality. Articulating it is what makes others realize that YOU ARE a genius.

In the end this ability is really the ability to SEE truth as untainted as possible in what non-geniuses would see as the details or the deep structure of reality. Unfortunately many non-geniuses can't see the "deep structure" of reality.

(Here's an experiment . . . I don't know if it'll work or not
For you non-geniuses out there try really really really observing something and derive the unbiased truth from it as much as you can.)

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