Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Galya Kovalyova Photo Exhibit at Doron Braunshtein Gallery

Doron Braunshtein Gallery is yet another
manifestation of a hip and colorful clothing boutique
Apollo Braun on Orchard St., Lower East Side. "Every
talented artist should be given an immediate chance
for exposure, without pretensiousness or difficulty,"
Apollo Braun himself, the owner of the store said, "we
will do the same when we are in Chelsea!" Here, bold
and bright, yet intimate atmosphere provides a natural
home to funny, moody and extravagant artwork, clothing
and people.

The Gallery's fifth hosted artist, photographer Galya
, was welcomed during the opening yesterday
night, on Thursday, July 19th. Her series "Dreaming a
City," a surreal moody exploration into the intimate
magic of night-time urbanism, matches the faintly lit
unpredictable evenings of Lower East Side. Galya is a
Russian-American and the photos exhibited travel
across Europe, New York and China, and yet the images
of steamy restaurant windows, half-decipherable neon
signs, reflections and distortions of backlit
architecture form a universal picture of mystery in a
city at night, recognizable across the modern world.
These are images from our dreams of A City, romantic
and full of secrets.

The visitors browsed the store, drinking and laughing,
finding the photos on the colorful, magazine-cutout
walls and leaving their immediate associations on the
white paper wall space around the artwork, as
suggested by a friend of the photographer. This
continued and transformed the common reflections on
the topic. Thus a visitor wrote "A Forrest" under a
photograph of a piece of meat peaking through a green
curtain of a butcher shop in Beijing. The chunk of
meat transformed into an animal and the imagined city
started living its own life.

The exhibition will be up through next Thursday, July
27th. Please come and leave your associations. For
more information about the photography and the
gallery, please visit www.galyaphoto.com and www.apollobraun.com

All writings here are copyrighted by Antonio Goicochea and Galya Kovalyova. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

All Photographs here are copyrighted by Galya Kovalyova. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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Anonymous said...

i love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I did view Your Work
You are a considerable Talent, show it up to people as much as You can to make them Happy